Gerente de venta

Chr*** ***** (XX años)
employee in general en overstock
manuel chavarria chavarria
Ciudad de México
Este candidato esta dispuesto a trasladarse
employee in general
dic 2008 - Actualmente
l do everything in that overstock, for example
clean the overstock, attend the custumer as was the invited, give the better service from client and give the client what he really wants and stuff like that.
high school
manuel chavarria chavarria
mar 2015 - ago 2018
The high school was a good school in order to learn a lot of stuff but l was not good at in everything so that l gathered with the best students in order to see in what the thought about the high school and eventually l realised that if you want success in the life, the high school is only a step that you have to give becouse there are a lot of stuff that you have learn even when we pass away, we are not going learn everything in this life. that is why l want to go working to united states to become a entrepeneur.

please give me the opportunity to go working to united states.
English - advanced
Otros datos
l am good at selling products but the most important stuff is always has the acttitude, no only to sell but also in the life.